New Jersey Aquatic Plants is a field guide to the 152 vascular plant species found in fresh, brackish, and saline waters of New Jersey. All the fully aquatic angiosperms, ferns, and fern-allies are included whether native or introduced, common or endangered. Written for those without advanced training in botany, this guide includes identification keys, and current nomenclature and family assignments. It is fully illustrated with 384 color photographs, 175 line drawings, and 150 distribution maps. Coverage includes 60 state-listed rare species.
Aquatic Flora of Northern New England is a field guide to the 141 vascular plant species found in fresh, brackish, and saline waters of Maine, New Hampshire & Vermont. All the fully aquatic angiosperms, ferns, and fern -allies are included whether native or introduced, common or endangered. Written for those without advanced training in botany, this guide includes identification keys, and current nomenclature and family assignments. It is fully illustrated with color photographs, line drawings, and distribution maps.
Features include:
• Limited use of specialized terminology
• Illustrated with color photographs & line drawings
• Taxonomic keys to each genus and species
• Organized alphabetically by genus and then species
• Coverage includes 50 state-listed rare species
• Habitat information
• Fully indexed for ease-of-use
Aquatic Flora is a field guide to over 139 vascular plant species found in fresh, brackish, and saline waters of Connecticut & Rhode Island. All the truly aquatic angiosperms, ferns, and fern-allies are included whether native or introduced, common or endangered. Written for those without advanced training in botany, this guide includes identification keys, and current nomenclature and family assignments. It is fully illustrated with color photographs, line drawings, and distribution maps.
Features include:
Aquatic Plants of Massachusetts is a comprehensive field guide to over 135 vascular plant species found in the aquatic habitats of Massachusetts. All the truly aquatic angiosperms, ferns, and fern-allies are included whether native or introduced, common or endangered. This guide includes identification keys and current nomenclature and family assignments. Aimed at students, botanists, naturalists, and ecologists, it is fully illustrated with color photographs, line drawings, and distribution maps.
Features include:
Wetland Plants of New England is a comprehensive field guide to the rich woody flora of the region’s wetlands
● Dichotomous keys for identification in summer and winter seasons
● Describes 124 species, common or rare, each mapped & illustrated.
● 50 additional species discussed for comparison.
● 322 pages white paper, 186 color photos, 127 b/w illustrations
● Coverage of all woody species—native, naturalized, or escaped—in the six New
England states that one may encounter in or around swamps, bogs, and marshes.
● Aimed at students, conservationists, interested citizens, and professional
fieldworkers, it is intended to bridge the gap between more technical floras and
overly-simple field guides